Monday, November 10, 2008

crappy days

I was giving Grant a bath before church yesterday and noticed that he had pooped in the tub. This is not really something new, for some reason I just can't seem to get him to get out of the tub first. Anyway, I had not washed his hair yet so I took him out, drained the tub, and then cleaned the tub getting ready to put him back in. Well I guess he wasn't finished because I noticed that meanwhile he had pooped on the floor. I headed to start cleaning that up and stepped in a pile that I had not seen. I ended up having to throw away a rug because it couldn't go in the washing machine and was not worth the trouble to clean it up. Then today I was in the other room while Grant was watching Wiggles. All of the sudden Grant walks in without his diaper on. I went in the tv room and he had his pants and diaper sitting on the floor and a pile of poo right next to it. So I guess that I will be trying to start potty training. Wish me luck, I don't really know how to start.


The Gramber Bies said...

Good Luck!!! However sounds like Grant is pretty willing maybe it wont be so bad :) I hope there are less poop pills in your future. That is until Hunters doing it but you've still got a while with him

Johnson-n-Johnson said...

hey Jenn, I just potty trained Lincoln and used the book "Potty training in one day." by Teri Crane. I highly recommend it, even though it took us longer than one day. Good luck!